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    Wednesday 27 May 2020


    "Flee from frivolities of all sorts and kind.
    Live each day as your last, with the end always in mind."

    "What if today was your last day?", the sound of the preacher's voice from my radio caught my attention.
    That question led me into deep thoughts and  reflection.

    "What if the rapture happens tonight?"
    "Will I see his glorious light?

    I began thinking of the recent shocking happenings in the world, end time and final days.
    "Could this be signs of the last days?"

    "Was the revelation of John gradually coming to pass?"
    He had spoke of angels, plagues and even a sea of glass.

    All my life I have done good but stories of end time scares me.
    It has been liken to doomsday and it terrifies me.

    When blood, water and fire shall mix together in our sight.
    When Christ the king shall come again in all his might.

    On that day the clouds shall rain down fire to destroy evil on earth and He shall pass judgment.
    Every man for himself, no father, no mother or even siblings, he shall judge without sentiments.

    Satan will be disgraced and defeated.
    And all who believed and worshipped God in spirit and truth rewarded.

    Suddenly, like I was in a trance, I heard a voice say:" my child, my child, do not conform to the standards of this world."
    I asked, "what must I do then as I dwell in this world?"

     The voice replied, "continually seek the things that are of Me and keep watch the end is near.
    They that have ears let them hear."

    Those words somehow helped soothe my nerves and gave me hope of making heaven.
    Picking up my cellphone, I checked the time, it was already past eleven.
    Carrying my radio I went into my safe haven.


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