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    Sunday, 22 March 2020

    Word Drill : The Power Of Purity Of Heart (A Pure Conscience).

    Bible text:
    Titus 1:15 (KJV)  Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

    1 Timothy 1:5  The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.

    Hebrews 10:22  let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting Him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.

    We are going to look at a little concerning this theme its broad but we will look at what it means to have a pure conscience , defined based on the word of God and how a heart undergoes purification won't be discussed broadly but some points will be noted.   

    In our World today, people don't believe someone can do a good deed out of a pure heart without and intention of gain or profit, so men will say in their hearts " why should he do it if has nothing to gain" , some other's will add " he did it for favoritism" or "because has he has money"(what if it was out of his little) or he's an hypocrite (who told you?).
    One of the act that should be done out of a pure heart or conscience is the act of LOVE(1 timothy 1:5). This for a believer, under God's rule and it is possible because  the motive is to please the king of our heart.

    How can we walk in purity of heart? How do I know I walk in purity of heart? Why is this necessary I do so? What does it save me from? From the answers to this questions you will know why the purity of heart is needed. And its starts with the salvation of the soul, so this is for a Christian.
    What is A Pure Heart Or Conscience?
      A pure heart has been first washed by the blood,(Hebrew 10:22). The blood has made you pure -(Hebrews 12:15). Its a Natural man without salvation that has an evil conscience that needs the blood, because he can't help him self but still will be under the slavery of sin.(John 8:34) With a pure heart you have no fear of been judged for iniquity but you stand in integrity and righteousness. A man with a pure heart fear no accusation.

     A pure heart sees people as pure. you can only call someone bad when the state of your heart is is an abudance of what you have inside. A pure heart forgives without relenting and carries no unforgiveness. A pure heart sees God also because it sees the way God sees. So when we see man we see a man that needs the help of the lord, the Gospel, the love of the lord.  You think pure things you see pure(as a man thinks), 
    A pure heart is heart that loves. ( 1 Timothy 1:5) We love from a pure heart, a pure heart thinks no evil as love we can say love is born from purity of heart and every attribute of love comes from a pure heart 1 Corinth.13. A pure heart speaks no evil or thinks evil (Matthew 9:4 ;12:34-35). A pure heart is void of offense towards God and man Acts24:26 

    With the goggles of love all things are pure.(You can be doing things from an impure state and see all things as good and pure( after all there's nothing bad with it) but check again with the standard of God who is love.

    A pure heart is without guilt because of the revelation of God and wisdom of life the person has been exposed you can't condemn such person what you are doing is wrong because it is being done without guilt not in ignorance but in pure motive and clean hands A pure heart is single minded - James 4:8 (this kind does not have plan 2 thinking plan 1 is if if he trust me and plan two is if he fails me)

    A description: A pure heart is a man doing good like giving without expecting this good in return, not just be ause he has in abudance only but even in little he gives for love of meeting the desire of the needy as you die to the desires of this world you see more clearly and purely.(Romans 1:24. 1John 2:16).

    A pure heart seeks the lord Consistently.(2 chronicles.12:14). As we gaze on the lord we know he's way and see his face we undergo transformation even by his word also to see pure as he sees...A pure heart is a work in progress by the spirit, when there is a stop at that work, impurity tends to come again. Keep chasing after God.

    One of the cause of impure conscience is the interface with nature of sin and the knowledge of Sin i.e. the law of sin. A fall into temptation is a defilement Of a pure heart.

    This will make it clear, Also many don't believe a man can give his word and stand by it because of the decitefulness of man and lack of integrity and insecurities in the hearts of many. Men lie then people say why should I believe any man? This interface with the nature of sin(called a lie) can defile the heart of man not to see truth in the words of men but a heart that stands true and pure speaks no lie and can discern a lieing tongue.  


    Psalm 51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Is a prayer for a dark heart without the spirit of purity to become pure. Not just a heart that sin and repents but one that desires a clean hand with the father and seeks to please the Father in Heaven. 


    1. Replies
      1. Yes indeed ...the matters of the heart is not be overemphasize but to actually work on it as believers

    2. Thank you.. We often neglect our hearts a lot and let things creep in... Its only a pure heart that can truly love..



