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    Saturday 18 February 2017

    Poetry:Life Needs Patience

    Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried quietly, patiently, God replied I had plead and wept for a clue to my fate yet the master just said, “You  must wait”
    Wait?you say my indignant reply lord I need answers. I need to know why is your hand so short?  Have you not heard? By faith I have asked, I am claiming your words.

    My future and all to which I can relate now hand in the balance. And you tell me to “wait”.
    I need a “yes” a go-ahead sign or even a “no” to which I resign, besides Lord, you promised that if we believe, we need but to ask, and we shall receive so Lord I have been asking, I need a reply.
    Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate the Master replied, “My child, please Just wait.” So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut and grumbled to God, “Ok, I am waiting but for what?”, he then seemed to kneel, his eyes wept with mine, and tendly said, “I could give you a sign.
    I could shake the heavens, darken the sun,
    I could raise the dead and cause the mountain to run.
    All I seek, I could give
    You would have what you wanted,, but you wouldn’t know me.
    You’d don’t know the joy of resting in me, when darkness and silence are all you can see.
    You’d not experience all of my love, when the peace of my spirit descends like a dove
    There is a depth for beyond getting what you ask, the depth of my grace, getting what lasts you’d not know, should your pain quickly flee what it means when I say, “My grace is sufficient for thee”
    So be silent, my child, in time you will see that my greatest gift is to know me.
    And though my answers seem terribly late.
    My precious answer still is “JUST WAIT”

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