Masturbation and pornography are two related activities that works hand in hand in destroying the psychological and mental state of individual who get involve in it as one can lead to the other which subsequently leads to an addiction
So there are some misconceptions and lies about the pornography and masturbation which has been indicted into individuals that has kept them perpetually in the act with no ray of hope of quitting the act. Here are five(5) lies about pornography and masturbation below
1 I Can't Be Free
This is the most generally believed and most sophisticated of all lies. People believe this lie due to the unending running desires and the unquenchable hormones to satisfy the flesh but one thing about the body is that it can be subjected and brought under control. The human body is so cunning that it pretends as if it can't do without it but in reality it can cope, adjust and maintain balance. Be intentional and ruthless with it. Some people have broken free it and others are quitting everyday, you can also be part of them.
2. I Am Human And Not A Log Of Wood
This inception alone will make people continue in the act which gradually weakens their potential and damage their self value and confidence. Agreed that you are human and not a log of wood but you are more than that, you are special, you are strong and full of glory, a wood can't be glorious as you are and can't replace you. You are child of destiny so don't contaminate your destiny with with gory acts.
3. I Am A Failure
Yes, there is every reason to be disappointed in yourself and there is always that guilt in you which in turn make you conclude that you are failure. You have been trying and since there is no way out then you think since there is no way out you should just continue in it. Don't believe this, you are not a failure, your every step is a walk to destiny, don't give up on yourself and destiny you will definitely overcome this shadow for it will not last.
4 Everyone Does It
Never believe this lie if you want to quit the act, there are people who don't engage themselves in such act and are totally separated from it. Just because you do it or a lot of people you come in contact with engage in it does not sum up that everyone does it. You can stop it and it's very possible.
5 People Higher Than Me Also Do It
Just because you see people whom you never thought of, would would engage in such act like your spiritual leader, your siblings or parents, teachers , mentors or boss does not make it right neither should it make you feel relaxed about the inferno. You can change and also be a support system to them to help them quit the acts. With your subsequent prayer and support there is victory over the act.
So those are the five lies that have been deceiving people into deeper darkness, don't believe those lies and never settle for less, a lot of people depend on you and most especially God is counting on you. Pray always to God for help and see yourself fly over the most deeper storm of life.
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